
The Seven Elements: The Sacred Spells Chapter 2

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Emeraude got up in the morning and dressed for the day.

Aquarius woke up to her alarm going off.

Rell woke up to the sound of an alarm clock, and then her own went off afterwards. Rell turned off her alarm clock, and turned to look at Aquarius. "I think I'll take advantage of your alarm clock," Rell said and smiled, then got dressed for the day.

Kaine woke up and got dressed.

Aquarius got ready. "Ready to go to breakfast?"

Emeraude wondered if he should walk with Kaine to breakfast or not.

"Of course," Sariella said, and walked with Aquarius to the dining hall.

Kaine looked at Emeraude and with his hands, said: Lets go get breakfast.

Emeraude nodded and walked with Kaine to breakfast. Not seeing Rella he sat down.

"Where should we sit?" Aquarius asked Rella looking at the dining hall.

"Anywhere is fine," Rell said to Aquarius. She was about to walk up to an empty area until her eyes managed to catch sight of Emeraude sitting with a red haired boy. "Wait," Rell said to Aquarius, "Lets sit there instead," Rell pointed to the area where Emeraude was sitting, seeing as there were still space left.

Kaine looked at the people who approached them - a girl with wavy blonde hair and amber eyes, with a green discoloration in the right one, and a girl with long blue hair and blue eyes. It looked as if Emeraude knew them. Kaine gave a slight smile.

"Good morning Rell," Emeraude said smiling at her. "Um this is my roommate Kaine," he then introduced.

"Good morning Emeraude," Rell greeted as well with a smile. "Its nice to meet you Kaine. My name is Sariella, but people call me Rell," Rell smiled at Kaine then looked to Aquarius. "This is my roommate, Aquarius."

Kaine waved at the two and wrote down something in his notebook, then passed it to Rell. It's nice to meet you two.

"Likewise," Aquarius said sitting down as she made herself a plate of food. Emeraude did the same choosing to have pancakes and bacon.

Rell took two pancakes as well as some fruit and began eating. Kaine did the same, but also took some bacon.

Emeraude looked over at Rell by instinct snapping out of it when Aquarius spoke.

"What do you guys think our first class will be like?" Aquarius asked to make conversation.

Rell glanced at Aquarius when she suddenly spoke and said, "I'm assuming it will be pretty easygoing, since its the first day. I'm pretty excited."

Kaine wrote his response in his notebook and held it out in front of Rell and Aquarius so they could see. Me too.

"First class is spells right?" Emeraude asked right as it was time for class.

"Right," Rell answered, from what she could recall from her schedule, which was inside her bag at the moment. "I think it'll be an interesting class."

Emeraude and Aquarius got up and started towards the class.

The group walked to their first classroom. The class was already somewhat filled with students and the teacher was not in the classroom yet. As minutes passed more students entered the classroom and soon a middle aged lady with graying brown hair came in. She had piercing gray eyes which seemed to be all knowing that caused Rell to feel slightly uncomfortable. She began speaking when the clock hit the exact time that class was supposed to start. 

"Welcome to Prism Academy," The woman said, her voice loud and clear, but neither friendly nor threatening. "As you all know this is the introductory course to spells and I am Freya Mae, your instructor. In this course we will cover the four basic elements and the the category of spells associated with those elements. You will need to be able to distinguish between the different categories of spells and will need to know the specific names of spells for each of the basic elements, as well as its effects." 

Suddenly knocking came from the door as well as attempts to open the door. Rell didn't recall the door being locked or having any lock at all when she opened it, so she thought it was strange, but the she remembered that this was a magic academy she was attending and that it was natural that a barrier spell would be enforced. Rell definitely made a mental note to herself to never be late for this class. 

Freya Mae's gaze suddenly became quite the more frightening and continued speaking. "I expect you all to be present and on time to class everyday unless you have very good reason to be excused. Expect warnings to be issued if you are lacking in attendance." The door suddenly opened and the students who were locked out from the barrier hurried inside, faces flushed with embarrassment as well as anger. Rell couldn't help but allow the smallest of smiles to appear on her face, amused by the expressions on the students faces. Ms. Mae soon began the lecture on the basics of the elements and their basic features. The class was relatively easy going and basic, as Rell expected. She took some notes throughout the lecture, but it was mostly information she had already known.

'How hard is it to be on time' Emeraude thought to himself before mentally scolding himself for rude thoughts. He listened to the teacher taking notes for what he didn't know. He didn't find anything too interesting except for one thing. The teacher kept saying basic elements implying more advanced ones. Emeraude decided to take a chance on asking and spoke when he got the chance. "Professor you keep saying basic elements. Does that mean there are more than the normal four?"

Rell's ears perked up when Emeraude had asked his question. She had thought it was strange as well that the professor kept saying "basic elements," as well, which would mean that there were more advanced elements. Professor Mae gave a smile. "I was waiting for somebody to ask that...That's right, there are actually three more elements besides the basic four fire, water, earth, and air, which are darkness, light, and lightening. However, we won't be focusing on these three elements in this course because they are rare and the chances people possess these three elements are very miniscule, but you will be taking classes later on that will focus on these three."

Rell was listening to the professor's words the whole time with strong interest. Darkness, light, and lightening... Strangely, she had never been told of these elements by her family - but why not? Was it because the chances of possessing these elements were so small? Rell decided maybe going to the library later on would hold some fruitful answers to her curiosity and continued listening on to the professor's lecture until class was over.

'Darkness, Light, and Lightening. Why is that familiar?' Emeraude thought to himself. 'Maybe a book. I guess I could check the library.'

Rell checked her schedule when class ended and looked to the three. "The next class is history on magic."

"That's always fascinating," Emeraude said.

"I hate history," Aquarius said disgust in her voice.

Rell laughed and Kaine smiled. "I'm alright with history," Rell said.

Kaine wrote something in his notebook and held it out in front of the three. I like it a lot.

When they walked into the class there stood a young teacher who barely looked older than them. He had waist-length pure black hair in a low ponytail. His hair despite being back was spiky. His eyes were a vibrant red and he had sharp canines. 

"He's cute," Aquarius said blushing slightly. 

Emeraude just found his appearance familiar.

Rell laughed softly at Aquarius' comment but didn't say anything. She was right that the teacher was attractive, but she found the man's eyes, although beautiful, difficult to look at. Her eyes then wandered toward Emeraude instinctively, but she quickly averted them when she realized what she was doing.

Kaine grinned at Aquarius' comment, but found the man to be quite odd.

Emeraude sat down as the class started. "Welcome to History on Magic. I'm Kaori Ballista and I'll be your teacher. I want to get to know you all so how about we go around and say our names and something we hope to learn about in this class. How about we start with you," the teacher said pointing at Emeraude. "I'm Emeraude Dragonia. I hope to learn more about the ancient families," he said his voice strong and unwavering. He was taught early on to never be afraid of speaking in front of others. Kaori nodded then pointed towards Rell.

Rell had wanted to say ancient families as well but Emeraude had beat her to it, so instead she said, "I'm Sariella Avara and I would like to learn more about the major wars involving magic." Hopefully, the teacher would be covering that in this course.

Kaori nodded before looking towards Aquarius. "I'm Aquarius Calmlia and I'm most interested in the ancient families as well," she said smiling. Emeraude felt something different from her than before. Kaori then looked at Kain. "I speak sign-language," he said to him.

Kaine nodded and gave his answer with his hands. My name is Kaine Dias and I'm most interested in the great mages.

"This is Kaine Dias and he wants to learn about the great mages, " Kaori said going through the other members of the class.

A girl with black hair tied into two low ponytails and golden eyes looked at the students who had spoken so far with interest. She didn't understand why, but she was getting an odd vibe from a couple of them. She smiled.

A boy with black hair tied in a single ponytail and golden eyes did the same as the girl next to him. Kaori got around to the girl next to the boy. "And you?" he said to her.

The black haired girl with the golden eyes looked up at the teacher. "My name is Soca Arian. I would like to learn more about the great mages as well," Soca answered with a charming smile on her face. She then turned to look at the boy with the same features as her.

"I'm Toa Arian and I am most interested in the past wars," he said. Kaori nodded and finished with the students. "Well I have good news for all of you. We will be learning everything that was said today. Though it seems we're out of time so enjoy your next class and I'll see you tomorrow," he said smiling a charming smile.

"I think history just became my favorite subject," Aquarius said.

"Herbology is next," Emeraude said.

Rell smiled and laughed at Aquarius response, nudging her on the elbow playfully. "I bet it has. I'm just excited that we'll be covering the past wars."

"You have to admit that he has good looks and is kind and obviously smart to be teaching young," she said to Rell.

"Well...that is true," Rell admitted to Aquarius. He had to be quite intelligent to be teaching at such a young age. But...

Kaine smiled at the two, but did nothing as he walked to Herbology class with the three.

"Careful he may be an incubus," Toa said walking behind them. He had no emotion on his face or in his voice as they entered the class.

"Eavesdropping are we?" Emeraude said to him. 

"Your friends are the loud ones."

"Quite loud," Soca said playfully. "My brother is right though, you know."

Rell frowned at the two twins. She wasn't very fond of nosy people, but what they said struck her as possibility. "It could be a possibility..."

Toa looked at Rell and Emeraude with particular interest. This caused Emeraude to glare and stand in the golden eyed boys view of Rell.

Rell was caught by surprise with Emeraude's actions. She wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but spoke anyway. "I don't think they mean harm Emeraude..." But thank you, she whispered to him, feeling somewhat awkward all of a sudden.

Soca giggled, but said nothing. She only eyed the two with the same interest as Toa. Those two were quite cute, but she understood why Toa were staring at them. Something was different about those two. 

Emeraude blushed slightly as he realized what he was doing.

Feeling the situation was awkward Aquarius spoke up, "I wonder when the teacher will get here."

Rell was about to say something when the door opened and an old man entered. His hair was completely white and his blue eyes were kind. He looked wise with age and emitted a friendly aura. Rell felt that she could be at ease with this professor. The professor gave everyone a friendly smile.

"I'm just on time...thank goodness. As you all probably know, this is the introductory course to Herbology and I am your professor Haius Grimfried. We will be examining, observing, and taking care of a variety of magical plants. Whether you think this course is fun, or a waste of time, the things you learn will be of use to you in the future." The professor chuckled at his words. He then continued explaining the course and gave the students a tour of one of the greenhouses, which contained a variety of magical plants.

Kaine had a large smile on his face, seeming excited by the course.

"I'm sure what we learn will be of use," Soca said quietly, smirking as she followed Toa.

"Yes it most likely will," Toa replied to his sister.

Aquarius smiled as she watched Kaine look excited. "Do you like plants a lot?" she asked him.

"Um sorry about earlier if I was out of line," Emeraude said to Rell.

Kaine nodded, and wrote something in his notebook, then showed it to Aquarius. My family takes care and cultivate magical plants, and I occasionally help out, so I'm quite excited.

"Ah! No, its quite alright," Rell said to Emeraude. "You didn't really - um, well, I - thank you for earlier. Again." Rell felt quite embarrassed for her lack of refinement, and felt the rise of heat in her cheeks.

"Really? Now I know who to ask if I need help in this class. By the way would it be possible to teach me sign language. I don't like making you write all the time."

"Sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you," Emeraude replied blushing again. 'Shut up you idiot!' he mentally scolded himself.

"What do you think it is about them?" Toa asked his sister.

Kaine smiled softly and wrote out the words: Of course, I can teach you a little everyday if you're willing.

"What?" Rell said in surprise. "No, you didn't embarrass me at all!" Rell stumbled, her face completely flushed. "On the contrary, it's myself..." That I'm embarrassed at.

"Hm," Soca wondered and said, "I'm not quite sure, but there's just a weird aura I get from them. We'll just see how things play out." Soca played with her hair a bit, and glanced at the two, whom seemed were embarrassed about something.

"Yes. I'm completely willing," Aquarius said a little loud due to the excitement of learning.

Emeraude looked at Aquarius skeptically.

"Now I'm more curious about those two," Toa said.

Kaine gave a happy smile and wrote something for Aquarius, oblivious to the attention they were both receiving. That's great.

Rell looked at Kaine and Aquarius curiously. Those two seem to be getting along...

Soca laughed. "I'm quite interested in those two as well now."

"Either they're both dense or that meant what I think it meant," Emeraude whispered to Rell smiling at the scene.

Rell smiled at Emeraude's words and continued looking at the scene in front of her. "I have a feeling...that might have meant what it meant..."

Emeraude smiled at her before turning his attention back to the teacher wondering when the class would end.
Chapter 2 of the RP I'm doing with my friend. It's half of their first day of classes.

Does anyone understand how to italicize and bold on devart? I can't work it right.
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